Friday 20 June 2014

TGIF: Fondness For Handmade, Saving My Velocity Iron

photo Red Dots Cycling

All of our caps are made with special love, with attention to detail. In fact, we're in a middle of another custom cap order with special emphasis on making this tricolor ribbon (above). And, it's lovingly handmade because we want you to enjoy our cycling caps for a long time. We don't make throw away caps. We like to think we are a rarity in the cycling cap apparel world, creating the haute couture way... to last!

Ironing plays a huge part in making our caps . When we first saw the velocity reliable iron we had to have it. It's been performing better than expected until...

A brown sludge excreted profusely out of it's steam holes ruining my fabric. Horrors! I went online to read up on peoples experience and it was ugly. I was ready to toss it out. But I thought, as a last resort, I was willing to try one thing. I used a technique first used on my mother's fifty year old iron - to fill the reservoir with pure vinegar and use it on full steam until the vinegar is gone. The tap water has iron in it. I boil my water but it doesn't remove the iron. After steaming away the vinegar I steam away two reservoirs of water. To my surprise it works. Now, I have a maintenance schedule of monthly vinegar steaming. And, my Reliabe iron has, once again, earned it's name!


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