Sunday 7 October 2012

Fun & Practical: New La Piccola Wallets

All photos: Red Dots Cycling

It's about two-years since we made our first La Piccola wallet...

When I first saw the finished product, it was a happy moment carefully crafted from upcycled rubber inner tubes and looking every bit the pragmatic wallet ...I always wanted. Gone are the days of using my old heavy leather wallet that looked more burdensome than practical. I have a wallet for the daily essentials; enough cards and some banknotes and nothing more. It's super light and fits in the palm of the hand comfortably. It's made of recycled rubber and from time to time it gets dirty, a good thing or bad? That's subjective. If it gets dirty just wipe it with a damp cloth. Or better yet, polish from time to time with a little Armor-all for the royal treatment. If you prefer the faded timeless look of aged rubber, leave it alone.

We sewn in fabric for two reasons: the full-on fun effect and cards are easy to grab.

Here's a few brand new and very practical La Piccola Wallets... enjoy!


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